Cat Friendly Clinic
Acorn House Veterinary Hospital has been accredited as a gold standard "cat friendly" clinic by the International Society of Feline Medicine
We understand it is stressful when you have to bring your cat to see us. This is why we are proud to announce that we have been accredited as a Gold Standard Cat Friendly Clinic.
Cat Friendly Clinic is an internationally recognised award. It means that we have met criteria to ensure all the needs of your cat are met.
Our Cat Friendly advocates are Rosie Theakston RCVS and Rachel Potts RVN
So what have we been doing to make our practice so special? Over the course of 2015 we extended our building to include a separate cat ward.

This means that cats can recover from surgery and illness in peace and quiet, away from the sounds and smells of the dogs in the practice and the hustle and bustle of our busy team. We can even watch the cats on our CCTV system, monitoring their every move without them realising it!

In the waiting room we have provided a separate cat waiting area. This area has elevated resting places for cat baskets as we know that cats feel safer when they are higher up.

As part of the Cat Friendly Clinic programme, ISFM has produced a series of leaflets for cat owners to provide some background information on the CFC programme, but also to provide practical help with common problems or difficulties associated with veterinary visits: