Our medication dispensing labels now feature a handy link to the data sheet for the prescribed medication! Just enter it into your internet search engine and it will come up with information regarding the medicine that your pet has been prescribed. For example, here is the link to the data sheet for Milpro
Tick Bite Prevention Week
24th - 30th March 2024
During March we will be looking at ticks and how to prevent them in our dogs and cats. As the temperatures start to rise, ticks will become more active, even at temperatures as low as 5 degrees centigrade. Ticks are parasites that feed on blood, and can be found mostly in woodland areas, in long grass and in bushes, including in your garden, especially if it is visited by hedgehogs or deer. Ticks can transfer diseases, which are transferred between animals through feeding on blood. The most notable disease is Lyme Disease, which can be very serious and can be transmitted to humans. The best way to prevent ticks is to use a prescription preventive treatment, in the form of prescription tablets or spot-on treatments, which last from 4 weeks up to 12 depending on the option chosen. There is also a collar available which can last up to 8 months. Our vets will help you choose the most appropriate anti-parasite (including tick) treatment for your pet at any routine appointment including booster vaccinations. If you do find a tick on your pet, please ensure to use a specific tick removing tool, or make a nurse appointment to have it removed. It is vital that the whole tick is removed, including the mouth parts. Never smother a tick with lotions or try to burn them off.
Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month -
Easter & Spring Hazards
Looking ahead to Easter and Springtime and in line with Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month we should be mindful of certain things that we enjoy that can be harmful to our pets.
There are often many chocolate treats around at Easter, which we may love but can be harmful to our pets. Dark and milk chocolate contain theobromine, which cannot be metabolised by dogs in the same way as by humans and affects the nervous system, stomach, and muscles.
We often enjoy a roast dinner or two over Easter, but we should be mindful of elements that can cause a risk to our pets. Onion, leeks, and garlic, which are included in many gravy granules, are part of the allium family, which are toxic to dogs and cats. They can cause damage to red blood cells, and result in gastrointestinal signs, dehydration and anaemia. We should also ensure not to feed cooked bones from roast dinners to our pets as these can splinter and cause internal injuries. |
Some of our traditional Easter treats, such as hot cross buns and simnel cakes contain dried fruits such as raisins, sultanas and currants. Ingestion of dried fruits (and grapes) can cause gastrointestinal signs, lethargy, abdominal pain and in some cases kidney failure.
Some Easter sweets can contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener which can also be found in many drinks and in chewing gum. Xylitol is toxic to dogs and ingestion can result in a drop in blood sugar levels, lethargy, weakness and seizures.
With Spring on the way there are more specific hazards to be aware of, including bulbs, flowers, and garden chemicals. Bulbs, such as daffodils, tulips, crocus, and hyacinths all contain alkaloids, which are chemical that can be toxic to our pets; this includes dogs, cats and rabbits and guinea pigs. The bulbs themselves contain the most concentrated amounts of alkaloids, however any part of the plant, even the water that cut flowers such as daffodils have been in can be toxic. Symptoms can include, drooling, sickness and diarrhoea and changes in breathing and heart rate. Lilies should also be avoided, specifically for cats, as contact can lead to kidney failure.
As the weather improves, many of us will be spending more time in the garden. We should be very careful when using any fertilisers, weed killers or slug pellets. These can not only be harmful to wildlife, but also to our pets. Garden chemicals can be ingested through grooming after contact with spillages or treated plants, being absorbed through the skin or even through inhalation. There are many pet friendly alternatives available, which reduces risk to our pets and helps to protect wildlife.
If you believe that your pet has ingested or been in contact with any toxin, please call us immediately, with information on what and when they have been in contact with.
We will be sharing more information on these different toxins to be aware of on our Facebook page throughout March and April. |
With Easter falling late in March, into April, please note our opening hours.
Thursday 28th March - 8 am – 8 pm
Friday 29th March - Good Friday - Emergency Service Only
Saturday 30th March – 8 am – 4:30 pm
Sunday 31st – Easter Sunday Emergency service only
Monday 1st April – Easter Monday – Emergency service only
Tuesday 2nd April – 8 am – 8 pm
To ensure that you have enough medication to last over the Easter period, please order any medication by Tuesday 26th March to allow the 48 hours required for it to be processed, authorised and dispensed. |
Medication Requests & Repeat Medication
To order a repeat prescription for your pet simply visit our website, www.acornhousevets.co.uk and click on the link Repeat Medication Request where you can fill in your details to make your request. The form can be used on a mobile, tablet or computer. For all repeat medication we must ask you to give us 48 hours' notice so that your request can be processed, authorised by a vet and dispensed.