Annual vaccination against leptospirosis is recommended for all dogs
Annual vaccination against leptospirosis is strongly recommended for all dogs
The World and British Small Animal Veterinary Associations (WSAVA and BSAVA) as well as charities such as the Blue Cross and RSPCA strongly recommend vaccination to prevent disease. In the UK Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis are considered core vaccines.
Vaccination against Distemper, Parvovirus and Infectious Hepatitis has thankfully reduced the prevalence of these diseases in the UK. Dogs should still be vaccinated regularly – outbreaks of parvovirus especially are still seen throughout the UK in vulnerable populations every year. We know that following the initial course of puppy vaccinations and first annual booster immunity against these diseases lasts for 3 years.
We also vaccinate against Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection. It is known as Weil’s disease in people. Infected animals wildlife, rats, farm animals) excrete the bacteria in their urine. Anything contaminated with infected urine including water can be a source of infection and the bacteria can persist in water and soil for months.
Leptospirosis can cause a range of clinical signs including lethargy, inappetence, abdominal pain, vomiting, jaundice, pulmonary haemorrhage. Leptospirosis can be treated with antibiotics and supportive care but sadly it is sometimes fatal. Dogs that recover may have liver or kidney damage. Some infected dogs may not show any clinical signs but still pass bacteria in their urine. Since autumn 2023 an increasing number of Leptospirosis cases have been seen in Bedfordshire both at Acorn House and at one of the local referral specialists Davies Vet Specialists.
There are several serovars of Leptospirosis some which used to be more common in Europe but are now established in the UK. In the past there some concerns were raised about possible adverse events associated with use of the L4 but data showed that there was no difference in the number of adverse reactions seen with L2 which only covers two strains of Leptospirosis. Please see information regarding adverse reactions here……
The increasing prevalence of all multiple serovars of Leptospirosis in the UK has resulted in the manufacturer of the L2 vaccine ceasing production.
Vaccination against Leptospirosis does not provide long lived immunity. In studies duration of immunity is variable, generally lasting 12-15 months so annual revaccination is strongly recommended.
Dogs receive an initial course of two of the L4 vaccines 4 weeks apart, with immunity established from 3 weeks after the second vaccination. All dogs should then receive a booster vaccination every 12 months. If dogs are overdue your vet may recommend repeating the initial course to ensure your dog is as protected as possible against this potentially fatal disease.
Non-core vaccines for dogs include Kennel cough (Parainfluenza and Bordetella Bronchiseptica) which may be required by doggy day care, referral hospitals or kennels or advised following a risk appointment at your vaccination appointment. Rabies and Leishmania vaccines are available for dogs which travel abroad”
For more information about vaccination click HERE
To book an appointment click HERE